héritier présomptif - tradução para Inglês
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héritier présomptif - tradução para Inglês

Francoise Héritier; Francoise Heritier

héritier présomptif      
n. heir apparent, heir whose right to receive an inheritance cannot be changed by the birth of another, heir as long as he or she outlives that person (Law)


Françoise Héritier

Françoise Héritier (15 November 1933 – 15 November 2017) was a French anthropologist, ethnologist, and feminist. She was the successor of Claude Lévi-Strauss at the Collège de France (Chair of Comparative Studies of African Societies from 1982 to 1998, now emeritus professor). Her work dealt mainly with the theory of alliances and on the prohibition of incest (both theories based on the notion of exchange of women). In addition to Lévi-Strauss, she was also influenced by Alfred Radcliffe-Brown. She was replaced by Philippe Descola, who is the current holder of the chair of anthropology at the Collège.

Exemplos do corpo de texto para héritier présomptif
1. C‘est ŕ l‘Etat d‘encadrer le marché. Alex Mauron Vendredi 21 novembre 2008 L‘intervention salvatrice de la puissance publique dans la crise financi';re de ces derniers mois et l‘élection d‘un président des Etats–Unis héritier présomptif de Franklin Roosevelt et de John Maynard Keynes représentent un séisme politique.